NOTE: This site is now an archive. Its new home is at www.aspergerchronicles.netPlease update your bookmarks.
Please note: If you access the web via AOL or if your browser does not support mailto forms, please transmit your answers by e-mail to ljcblue@aol.com. Here are the questions you can copy and paste into your e-mail: I am sorry for the inconvenience. If you prefer to have the survey as a text
document, please email me and I will send it to you as an attachment.
What is your current position in the school? Lead teacher, assistant
teacher, classroom aide, inclusion aide, other
If you answered 'other' to q. 1, please specify:
What grades do you work with? (you may choose more than one) (indicate
How many years in this occupation? (please include years of experience in the same job category, even if in a different setting)
What is your highest educational degree? High school diploma/equivalency,
college degree, masters degree, doctoral degree
Have you ever worked with a student with Asperger Syndrome? yes/no/don't
Does your state require some amount of cont. ed. in order to be re-licensed or for your job?
yes/no/don't know
What are the barriers to obtaining courses for professional development?
(you may choose more than one) Lack of time, lack of money, lack of course(s)
in areas of interest, courses too far away, other
If you chose 'other' for preceding
question, please specify: 10-16 Rate your comfort in the following areas on a 0-10 scale: 10 a. Email 11. b. visiting websites 12.c. using a search engine 13 d.. using a message board or list-serve 14 e. downloading files 15. f. uploading files 16. g. using attachments with email 17. How do you connect to the net? (You may choose more than one) Dial up modem from home, cable modem from home, DSL from home, direct access from school, don't know
18-27 Rate your current knowledge and comfort in working with individuals with AS according to the following scale: strongly agree (SA) agree (A) neither agree nor disagree (NA) disagree (D) strongly disagree (SD) 18. a. I can name the major diagnostic features of AS. 19.b. I can anticipate the possible learning styles of individuals with AS 20. c. My classroom structure is a good match for individuals with AS 21.d. My teaching style is a good match for individuals with AS 22. e My communication style is a good match for individuals with AS. 23. f. I can name several potential signs and signals that might indicate a student with AS is experiencing heightened stress. 24. g. I can identify problematic behaviors that students with AS might exhibit. 25. h. I can create appropriate and measurable goals for an IEP for a student with AS 26. i. I can choose and implement appropriate classroom interventions/strategies for students with AS. 27. j. I am comfortable modifying my teaching style, assignments and/or homework as appropriate for the student with AS.
28-37 Please rate how important you believe the following areas to be in working with individuals with AS: strongly agree (SA) agree (A) neither agree nor disagree (NA) disagree (D) strongly disagree (SD)
28. k. Being able to name the major diagnostic features of AS. 29. l. Being able to anticipate the possible learning styles of individuals with AS 30. m. Having a classroom structure thatis a good match for individuals with AS 31. n. Having a teaching style that is a good match for individuals with AS 32. o. Having a communication style that is a good match for individuals with AS 33. p. Being able name several potential signs and signals that might indicate a student with AS is experiencing heightened stress. 34. q. Being able to identify problematic behaviors that students with AS might exhibit. 35. r. Being able to create appropriate and measurable goals for an IEP for a student with AS 36. s. Being able to choose and implement appropriate classroom interventions/strategies for students with AS. 37. t. Being able to modify teaching style, assignments and/or homework as appropriate for the student with AS. 38. What additional information do you need to effectively work with the student with AS? 39. My work environment can best be described as: (choose one) traditional classroom, inclusion classroom, self-contained classroom, resource room, separate office, other 40 If you answered 'other' above, please specify:41. I have the resources I need to be effective with students with AS: true/false 42. Please give examples of where you are/are not supported in your role with children with AS 43. How will you know you have met your goals in advancing your knowledge and skill in working with students with AS? 44. Additional Comments: THANK YOU |